I21 | la POsteria - Noi Da Parma

Contest concept proposal - New Store Noi Da Parma
la POsteria - Noi Da Parma
Contest concept proposal - New Store Noi Da Parma
Proposals of concept exhibition @padiglione italia - unioncamere lombardiapartnership with POLI.design
Malìparmi is your wardrobe is the refrain: a wearable space able to sit in the container space;
the identity is set on the content, able to adapt in every context for a strong worldwide imaginary.
ambasciata di sardegna just announced results for the competition to design a new commercial format for its products. here's our (not winning) proposal
the store as epicenter to spread products and information, containing tastes and images
the store floats in the center, find a space and settle unloading the container
the products defines the modules for size and equipment; each module hosts a category of products, for sale, tasting and storage.
the modules can be composed according to the size of the store, the types of products sold, if indoor or outdoor
Nike Stadium | NIKE (by studiometrico)
The budget assessment, as the shop concept, works on two different levels.
The first level intend to invest part of the budget for the material realization of the project described above. No major changes are proposed for the exhisting space in an adaptive re-use perspective. Floors, walls, ceilings, stair and mezzanine structure are maintained as they are. Spatial layout is organized by juxtaposition of few, clear, simple elements able to generate special spaces. The wall, together with the new stair,a big piece of forniture made on a modular basis, finished just on one side, is the main intervention. Furnishing is partly built in (as the bench on the mezzanine floor) and part reduced to essential elements (like in the cash lounge). For the ceiling of the area under the mezzanine and the flooring of the mezzanine we imagine to use the 'bollo' linoleum, a very simple, economic and iconic milanese material. The lighting will be enhanced adding the two big light box wall mounted. We aestimate to invest in these installation the 60% of the budget.
The remaining 40% is necessary for the second level of intervention, the ones that will need to be curated to guarantee a quality programming, involving, selecting and directig actions that in DOPPIO PASSO will take place
DOPPIO PASSO is able to explore nike's world backward and forward. Representing Nike's brand is able to create a strong involvment with people both from the emotional than technical sides. The commercial space becomes a medium to transmit brand values on a co-partecipation platform, where something exciting and different is always taking place. It's globally respected and locally enhanced with the involvement/collaboration of the local creative community. DOPPIO PASSO is a bridge crossing over Nike's history and experiences towards new exploring boundaries.
su Misura | Design Camping
project by
Francesca Murialdo
Davide Fassi
Monica Carrara
Cristina Foglia
Laura Galluzzo
Caterina Verrone